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Update: Register of Trusts

Posted on: 08 Mar

After a lot of teething troubles, the register of trusts is now finally up and running properly.

For those of you with existing trusts, it is important that you register your trust before the end of June. If you fail to do so, your trust will cease to be valid.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Do it yourself: You can register your trust yourself by following the instructions at Unfortunately, we cannot say this is a simple process. That is why we are offering a second option;
  2. We can do it for you: We can prepare all the necessary documents for you, send them to you for signature and then submit them to the relevant registration court. As this is a somewhat time-consuming process, we can offer this service to you for a fixed fee of 1,500 CZK per trust plus the cost of any disbursements (official copies etc)

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please email us at and we will get to work.