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APRSF Trust Training – IN ENGLISH – 3-4 December 2018

Posted on: 01 Oct

As you are probably aware, we run seminars every three months for trustees and trust advisers together with Deloitte and J&T Family office.  These seminars are endorsed by and lead to APRSF accreditation.

These seminars are of course normally delivered in Czech.  However, we have always offered to deliver the course in English given sufficient demand.  We now have some demand so if we can attract one or two more participants, we’ll be running the course IN ENGLISH ON 3 – 4 DECEMBER.

This is an intensive course suitable both for professionals who want to improve their ability to advise clients on trusts and also for people acting in the role of trustee. The course provides an in-depth understanding of the structure, history and practical applications of Trusts in the Czech Republic as well as detailed coverage of the duties and obligations of trustees.

This course is designed for:

  • People who are considering, or have accepted, appointment as trustee of a Czech trust
  • Lawyers, financial advisers, notaries and others who would like a core knowledge of trusts – suitable for providing clients with advice
  • Anyone else seeking a more in-depth knowledge and understanding of trusts in the Czech Republic

For trustees, in most cases (depending on the terms of your trust documents) the cost of the course can be legitimately expensed to the trust.

Click here to download the full course syllabus, pricing, and registration details.  To register or if you have any questions, email us.  Don’t miss this chance as it’s likely to be four years or so until we do this again!